Using this Website

Here you will find tips for navigating your way around the website. Currently this page is under development, so please keep coming back to see what’s been added. Wherever you see word or phrase in blue, and the cursor turns to a hand🖐, then these are links to some further information or to another page within the website.

Home Page

The Home page provides an introduction to the group, and our Chairperson

To the right of the Home page are a series of headings with drop-down menu’s. You can click on the main heading for more general information, or select one of the headings in the drop-down menu.

Hovering over the main headings with your curser will produce further drop-down headings which you can click on to access information relevant to the particular sub-heading.


This section is available to anyone visiting the site, and therefore all headings within the drop-down menu can be accessed by everyone. Clicking on the ‘Public’ main heading will provide you with some helpful tips for navigating around the site, how to join SWQ, and how to register for access to the Website.

  • Noticeboard – Here you will find information for forthcoming activities, and notices for the general public to read.
  • Awards – South West Quilters have various Challenges and Competitions throughout the year. Here you will find past winners along with pictures of their winning quilts along with further reading about the Quilters.
  • Links – Businesses and organisations who supply products and services to Quilters can be found here. Just copy and paste the website address into your internet browser.
  • The Sunset Fund – Set up by Audrey Dean in 1995. Read all about this helpful organisation here.
  • Exhibitions – Scroll through pictures of members quilts from past years. Just click on the picture to bring up an enlargement of each picture, with details of the entrant.

Members Only

This section is only available to members. Clicking on the heading will take you to a page where you can either log in to the website or Register your membership details to gain access. There is also a link where you can reset your password if you have forgotten it.

  • Login/logout – Enter your username (usually your email address) and password to provide full access to the site.
  • Video Workshops – Sit and follow the videos to create a quilt from the comfort of your home.
  • Retreats – Information relating to these residential courses can be found here.
  • Members News – Information only available to members can be found here.
  • Life Members – Listed here are members who have free access to the Quilters benefits.
  • Contacts for Quilting Groups – A list of useful contacts can be found here.
  • Traders Discounts – Those Traders offering discounts are listed here.
  • SWQ Constitution – Outlined under this heading are full details of how the club is run and operates.
  • Sunset Trust Constitution – Likewise for the Sunset Trust.
  • SWQ Minutes and Reports – Minutes and reports from past Quilters meetings can be found here.
  • My Profile – Here you will find the information relating to your membership.
  • Password reset – Another way to change your password.


This section will provide details of forthcoming Workshops for the whole of the South West. Clicking on the Heading will give a detailed explanation for how to sign up for a particular workshop. A link in Word or Pdf format for a workshop application is available for download.

  • From the drop-down menu you will see workshops for every area of the South West. Just click on the area you are interested in and scroll though the forthcoming workshops for this area.


  • Events and Exhibition information is listed here. Scroll through the page and click on any headings of interest.


  • Items of interest to Quilters can be found here. Currently this section is empty.


  • Click on the email link to contact the Secretary, who will answer your query if possible, or pass it on to the relevant Member. Please provide as much information as possible in your query. Full Name, email address, who you would like to contact if relevant.


Would you like to become a member of South West Quilters, then just click on this link which will take you to the Membership form, with details for how to submit it once completed.


Don’t have a Website Login Yet?

Are you a member of the SWQ, but do not have a login to this website yet?

Click here to register for SWQ website access.